Why does the pilot give a preflight briefing?

Although ballooning is a safe activity and passengers only need to focus on having a good time, there are some important things that they need to know, in order to completely enjoy the experience and to guarantee their own safety, especially during the landing,If the pilot considers it necessary, the briefing can be repeated before […]

How are the different parts of a hot air balloon connected?

The gondola is attached to the burner by steel cords that pass underneath the wicker basket; these cables are joined to the burner by carabiners that can hold several kilograms, fuel cylinders are firmly tied to the basket by straps that pass by a series of openings in the basket. The same carabiners that joined […]

Curiosities: the logbook

In earlier navigation, the measurement of speed and other readings were recorded on small wooden boards (logs, in English) when paper was too expensive. This record was known as a chip log. Later it inevitably took the form of a book. It eventually became to be known as what we now refer to as a […]