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Can passengers help with the packing of the balloon?

Packing hot air balloon

Packing hot air balloon

Of course, although it is not a passenger´s duty, any help would be appreciated, the more passengers flying, the bigger and heavier the balloon is, therefore the deflation process might require a little more energy.

The first thing to pack is the envelope, the most delicate part of the equipment, which should be protected from the sun and the environment.  With a simple fold an envelope that weighs around 200 kg, is packed into a seemly small bag.

Usually the burner frame is dismantled, then, the basket with the propane cylinders, needs to be packed on the vehicle, although when packing up it´s the biggest and heaviest part of the balloon gear, there are some maneuvers and tricks, that, with the help of anyone who wants to collaborate, make the packing up faster .

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